
  • Using Multiple Storyboards in Xcode IB and Xamarin

    This video shows how you can use multiple .storyboards in your Xamarin.iOS (or just iOS) app, and create segues in Interface Builder directly to another .storyboard just like you would to a UIViewController.

  • Intelligent Bot in a Native iOS and Android app

    This is a quick tutorial where we'll create and publish a new intelligent Bot that uses machine learning and natural language understanding to answer questions about Microsoft Bot Framework. Then we'll create a native iOS and Android app to interact with our bot.

  • Type Names as Storyboard IDs

    A while back I got in the habit of using the names my of custom types as different identifiers in iOS and macOS storyboards. This post looks at a couple examples of how this simple practice removes the need for unnecessary strings and leads to cleaner code.

  • Xamarin vs. Native

    I spend a lot of my time talking to people about mobile development. Many of these conversations are about Xamarin, and how it compares to "native", so I figured I’d take the time to break down Xamarin. I’ll also spend a little time on alternative approaches to mobile development — just to add some context.

  • Default Designer

    I prefer to work with .xibs and .storyboards in Xcode Interface Builder opposed to Xamarin Studio’s built-in designer. Default Designer is a Xamarin Studio add-in to open these files with Xcode Interface Builder by default.

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